Monday, December 10, 2007

not such a great day

Today started out kind of oddly - I was asked at a gas station to trade $40 cash for a $40 gas card some poor kid in a crummy car who needed to change a tire to get to Tuscon. I turned him down - why, I don't know. I wish I had been thinking more, because it's really no skin off my back to help him out, and I easily could have done that. I hope if something similar happens again that I will have my wits about me and help out someone who needs it.

Going on, I played 5-150 today for about 10 hours. I lost just under $200 I am sorry to say. I felt cold decked the entire day, and then when I finally picked up a hand, i misplayed it for a maximum loss of $300 (the other guy's entire stack. Yuck. I just misread what he had in that spot, and even after I raised to find out where I was, when he reraised all in, I didn't listen to the info he was giving me. Had I played this one better, I could have ended the day even, which would have been a fine result considering the cards I was getting and the situations at the table.

Dempsey is progressing really nicely on his jumping skills and puppy weaves. He's figuring out that jumping like a deer isn't the best way to get through jump chutes, and he's starting to look like an ok jumper.

Tomorrow I go back to the casino, and I plan on having a better day.

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